Search For Knowledge


Monday, October 22, 2007

A wonderful GUI Checklist from Rathish

All screens should include blue face and white borders
Look and feel of all buttons should be fixed according to windows buttons
“Century” application selected by default on all screens
Hyperlink on century logo, help, sign out
Refreshing the page
Hyperlink on welcome user information
Links to the two tabs-User management, Reports
On mouse over of the tab drop down should occur
Equal borders on the right pane
Alignment of the Frame
Equal spacing between search tab and table header
Color consistency between left margin and table header
Color gradient on the frame
Font consistency
Representation of hierarchy with folders
Change of icon in the tree
Checking for GIF
Vertical scroll bar on the left pane
No scrolls on right pane
Scroll bars should be as XP color
Frame consistency in showing the details
Selection of links on mouse over
Link reflection (tree expansion)
Visited link color
Unvisited link color
Links on tree list allows the user to traverse to the particular page
Navigation link with records on all screens
10 records are listed in a page
Display of total number of records at the bottom of the page
No display of records on empty listing page
“First” and “Prev” is disabled if the user is on the first page
“Next” and “Last” is disabled if the user is on the last page
Basic search tab enabled by default
Criteria combo enabled on loading
Condition combo disabled on loading
Size of the combo
“Add Condition” with hyperlink on advanced search tab
In advanced search, “match any” selected by default
Delete button is added for each row newly inserted in advanced search
No text box for “assign to” search option
All icons are placed at top right corner
All icons should be vertically centered
Pop up messages for all icons
Check for button name
Hyperlink on tabs with user privilege
Search tab visibility based on privileges
Title - population of hierarchy
Equal spacing between Assign to, Start and Target date
Check box on the table header
Hyperlinks on each hierarchy listing
All listing screens are read only
Check box for all records listed
Proper alignment of text in the listing page
All records listed in alternative color
Display of description value with tool tips
Eclipse is appended for values whose length is greater than the specified value
Text area should have hairline border
Gray scroll bar in the description
Tool tip range
Tool tip on mouse over
Display of dates in dd-mon-yy format on all listing screens
Focus set on specific fields - on loading
Calendar popup
Text box for display of dates is read only
Space consistency between description field and buttons while creating hierarchy
Hyperlink on buttons on creation and edition of hierarchy
Inner borders for create / edit hierarchy
Success / confirmation messages
Alert / failure messages
Lowercase, upper case and check for sentences in all messages
After message no tab key functionality should be allowed
Attachment symbol on the header
Attachment symbol inclusion for each test case
Attachment symbol width consistency
Assign and deassign buttons are placed next to target date field
No link to view tab
Links on the test cases allows the user to move to view tab
All the fields in view tab are non editable
Order transaction type selected by default
Color consistency between attachment button sub menus and screen controls
Hyperlink on attachment tab
Attachment tab with table structure
Check box on attachment table
Hyper link on all buttons at the bottom of the attachment tab
Reset to clear values
Moving back and forth in explorer window
Back button to traverse
All screens under user management should have frame borders
All loading screens should be frame centered
Double borders not allowed in privileges
Application name can be darker in assign privileges
“Assign to” combo is not present in project and cycle management
Table headers should have 5 pixel spacing
Hyperlink on the value in the attachment type
Listing tabs are enabled always
Adjustable divider is required
Navigation as link as blue/underline non-link gray
Movement of the screen (Click and drag)
Horizontal line in the message window
Text Alignments
Window Alignment/positioning
Attachment file - size constrain


jerry said...

Like to include this two links
Hope this too may help.

Unknown said...

pretty useful, thanks