Search For Knowledge


Friday, October 12, 2007

The final question to KAREN N. JOHNSON by QA Zone

Q8- Thank you very much for your time, Karen. Let’s end with a quick recommendation…For QAZone members that are looking to grow their team, what do you think are the most important skills or personality characteristics that they should be looking for in new team members during their hiring process?

KNJ- Curiosity, I can’t stress this enough!. Testers need to be curious people, constantly wondering things such as what if I do this, or what if fill-in-the-blank here. Technical skills can be taught if someone has the aptitude and motivation. But behind all good testers, there is a burning curiosity. I think this is why testers enjoy TV shows such as the CSI series. We like to solve mysteries, we like the investigations, the fact-finding and the details. Coincidentally I think having a curious mind keeps us young and engaged with life as well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is a perfect answer to that question. If you have an inquisitive mind only then you can remain concentrated and interested in the job you are doing specially testing.