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Friday, October 5, 2007

Good explanation on test-driven development

There seems to be a lot of confusion and misinformation out there about what exactly we mean by test-driven development.

I sometimes use this little analogy to help explain it:When I moved in to my first house, me and my girlfriend of the time (who was a total cow, I should hasten to add - not that I'm bitter or anything) went shopping for kitchenware.
Our method was simply to sit down and draw up a list of "things that a kitchen should have" - like crockery, cutlery, mugs, glasses, scales, egg whisk, bowls, and so on.We spent hours in IKEA, British Home Stores and various other purveyors of culinary paraphernalia, and then we dragged everything back to the house and unpacked it into our new kitchen.
When we'd finished we sat at the breakfast bar with a cup of tea and surveyed our handiwork. It wasn't until the next day when I tried to make a mushroom omelette that I realised we'd forgotten to buy a frying pan. And when my girlfriend tried to make herself a Jack Daniels & Coke on ice that we realised we'd forgotten to buy any ice trays for the freezer. Or suitably sized glasses for a whiskey and coke, come to that. So I had cornflakes for breakfast, and and in the evening she enjoyed a warm whiskey and coke served in a small wine glass.

What we should have done, of course, was make a list of examples of things we'd be using our kitchen to do. And then figuring out what we'd need in our kitchen in order to successfully execute each of these scenarios.That way, I would have most certainly remembered the frying pan, and Sarah would have had a nice, cold drink our of a more appropriate glass.
TDD is specification by example. Each test case describes a way in which the end product will be used - whether that end product is a kitchen, a software applictaion, or just a single method in a single class in a software application. It's not really a testing discipline at all. It's a design discipline. I think maybe it's the "t" word that confuses people, though. Some teams write seven billion lines of code, and then write a handful of unit tests to cover it, and then come to me and say "we're doing test-driven development". No. Not if you write the tests after you've written the code, you're not. In TDD, tests drive development - the clue's in the name. You only write code needed to pass tests. So your tests are a specification for the code you need to write.

The fact that afterwards you end up with a suite of executable regression tests is a positive side effect of doing TDD. It is not the primary goal of TDD, though.
The primary goal of TDD is to use tests to drive the design and implementation of the software.And that, my fine feathered friends, is test-driven development.

-Thanks to Jason Gorman....wonderfully explained.. :-)

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