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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Entry and Exit criteria discussion in a Forum - ofcourse me too..

I am testing an web application. Any one can tell me what will be the entry and exist criteria for it.

Entry Criteria : A set of decision-making guidelines used to determining whether a system under test is ready to move into, or enter, a particular phase of testing. Entry criteria tend to become more rigorous as the test phases progress. [R. Black]
Exit Criteria : A set of decision-making guidelines used to determining whether a system under test is ready to exit a particular phase of testing. When exit criteria are met, either the system under test moves on to the next test phase or the test project is considered complete. Exit criteria tend to become more rigorous as the test phases progress. [R. Black]

Jerryrajan (Me)--
Here comes the biggest problem of Software Testing. In my view specific definitions will not work for these cases. Because most of the people understand the testing terms in their own way and the very important thing is either they r in the right path or not.In my view the Entry Criteria is a collection of conditions / Objects that are very important to start testing; with out that if you start your testing that will be a failure.Exit Criteria is also collection of conditions / Objects that decides whether you can stop the testing or not.

Which part of the definitions that Joe posted do not fulfill what you are saying? As I read them they match up.

Jerryrajan (Me)--
That is my own view Richard, not specifically for Joe.In simple words, "A set of decision-making guidelines" if someone got all guidelines and no resource to follow that.What are the entry criteria?If you r going to prepare a tour plan for your family using your car. What are the entry criteria?You, car, family, then the set of guidelines...correct me if I'm wrong.

The guidelines will be specific per project, so the guidelines for deciding if you are going on your road trip would be: - Has the design documents been completed? (Tour plan written)- Are the resources available? (Car, people, luggage, holiday booked) If you can say yes, then you can decided to go live (go on the trip) So the entry criteria and exit criteria should include everything you need to go to the next stage of development, not some of it.

Jerryrajan (Me)--

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