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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The 10 Commandments of Load Testing

Here r the 10 Commandments of Load Testing.

  1. Thou shalt know how thy test tool works.
  2. Thou shalt gather realistic usage data.
  3. Thou shalt have testable requirements.
  4. Thou shalt write a test plan.
  5. Thou shalt test for the worst case.
  6. Thou shalt monitor your test environment infrastructure.
  7. Thou shalt enforce change control on your environment.
  8. Thou shalt use a defect tracking tool.
  9. Thou shalt rule out thy own errors before raising a defect.
  10. Thou shalt pass on your knowledge.

Visit for full details.

Thanks to Stuart Moncrieff for his wonderful blog and his great service to Our Community.

Don't forget to visit his - security testing blog

and - load testing blog.



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