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Friday, August 22, 2008

QTP Life Saving Tips _1

QTP Testing Process

1. Preparation for Test Flow and Recording.
2. Recording/Scripting Test flow.
3. Enhancing the Test.
4. Debugging the Test.
5. Setup the Test inside FrameWork.
6. Running the Test.
7. Analyzing the Result.

Types of Recording

1. Context Sensitive (Based on Objects)
Window("Index Page").Dialog("Sign In User").WinButton("SignIn").Click
2. Analog (Based on Mouse Moments)
Window("Index Page").RunAnalog "Track 3"
3. Low Level (Based on Coordinates)
Window("Index Page").Dialog("Sign In User").WinButton("SignIn").Click 25,5

Object Repository

1. Local Object Repository
Action specific, can not call in other actions and tests
2. Shared Object Repository
Test Specific, can call in other actions and tests.

Object Identification

1. Normal Identification
First Mandatory Properties and then Assistive Properties until getting the unique description. If both fails QTP will user Ordinal Identifiers (Location and Index).
2. Smart Identification
If this enabled QTP will not use Ordinal Identifiers and will use Base Filter Properties and Optional Filter Properties respectively.

1 comment:

India said...

i need QTP Check points steps clearly,..