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Monday, August 25, 2008

Few Good Scenarios for ATM Mechines

1.To verify ATM card Insertion
2.To verify ATM card Insertion in wrong angle
3.To verify invalid ATM card Insertion
4.To verify Language selection
5.To verify Pin entry
6.To verify invalid Pin entry
7.To verify invalid Pin entry 3 times
8.To verify Account Type selection
9.To verify Invalid Account Type selection with respectiveto inserted card
10.verify withdrawal option selection
11.verify Amount entry
12.verify Amount entry with wrong denominations(fr eg:00.999Rs)
13.verify withdrawal success operation
14.Verify operation when our entered amount is grater thanpossible balance
15.Verify operation when our entered amount is grater thanday limit
16.Verify when our ATM have lack of Amount
17.Verify when our ATM have network problem
18.Verify Current transaction No.exceeded than day limit
19.Verify operation with exceeded delay in betweenoperations in ATM
20.Verify Cancel after insert card
21.Verify Cancel after Language selection
22.Verify Cancel after Pin entry
23.Verify Cancel after Amount type selection
24.Verify Cancel after withdrawal operation
25.Verify Cancel after Amount entry
26.Verify correction of Amount during entry
27.Verify after successful transaction If customer doesn'ttake the money

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