Search For Knowledge


Monday, January 14, 2008


Suddenly I got this idea in my mind. Now a days most of the people got car they always carry the car key with their remote lock where ever they go. Hence the things we have to carry get increased, like wallet, credit card, mobile phone, car key with remote lock and watch etc. To reduce that I got this simple idea "Mobile Car Lock".

The usual remote car lock works with IR or Blue tooth. Since now a day's most of the mobile comes with both the features, we can use our mobile itself as our car's remote key. But for that we can not use the same hardware mechanism inside our mobile. The problem is if u changed your mobile then u have to change your car lock or its mechanical part inside your mobile.

To avoid that, we can develop a little java mobile program (kind of program that can be run in all mobiles not only in symbian) which will transfer a secure key though IR/BT to the Lock system installed in the car and unlock the car.

More then that we can even make that as car's key, so that we can lock/unlock our car and even start our car with our mobile. Its not necessary to carry our car key and its remote lock everywhere.

If you changed our mobile or lost it, simply install the application in your new mobile and enter your secret code on that. It will lock/unlock/start your car.

If some car company or Lock company created that then this will be an awesome tool to use with.

This may have lot of security issues with that, but they r after all comes with the existing locking mechanisms. More that that we can improve the locking program and make it more secure.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Jerry, good idea....
Know what i had recently read something related to the Car Locking and the mobiles somewhere.... It said that if we forget the key inside.... we can still open the car via mobile...