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Monday, December 31, 2007

Friday, December 21, 2007

How to write a good Defect Report

Here is the key(s)

  1. Be very specific when describing the bug. Don’t let there be any room for interpretation. More concise means less ambiguous, so less clarification will be needed later on.
  2. Calling windows by their correct names (by the name displayed on the title bar) will eliminate some ambiguity.
  3. Don’t be repetitive. Don’t repeat yourself. Also, don’t say things twice or three times.
  4. Try to limit the number of steps to recreate the problem. A bug that is written with 7 or more steps can usually become hard to read. It is usually possible to shorten that list.
  5. Start describing with where the bug begins, not before. For example, you don't have to describe how to load and launch the application if the application crashes on exit.
  6. Proofreading the bug report is very important. Send it through a spell checker before submitting it.
  7. Make sure that all step numbers are sequenced. (No missing step numbers and no duplicates.)
  8. Please make sure that you use sentences. This is a sentence. This not sentence.
  9. Don’t use a condescending or negative tone in your bug reports. Don’t say things like "It's still broken", or “It is completely wrong”.
  10. Don’t use vague terms like “It doesn’t work” or “not working properly”
  11. If there is an error message involved, be sure to include the exact wording of the text in the bug report. If there is a GPF (General Protection Fault) be sure to include the name of the module and address of the crash.
  12. Once the text of the report is entered, you don’t know whose eyes will see it. You might think that it will go to your manager and the developer and that’s it, but it could show up in other documents that you are not aware of, such as reports to senior management or clients, to the company intranet, to future test scripts or test plans. The point is that the bug report is your work product, and you should take pride in your work.

Hope this will help you to write a proper Bug Report.

Thanks to Pavan for his help on this.




Here r few things to be included in the Defect Tab.
(M) - Mandatory
(D) - Default Appearance

  1. Use Case Package (M)
  2. Test Case (M)
  3. Detected By (M) (D)
  4. Detected On Date (M) (D)
  5. Defect Type
  6. Status (M) (D)
  7. Detected in Version (M)
  8. Build Number (M)
  9. Assigned To (M) (D)
  10. Business Impact / Severity (M)
  11. Priority
  12. Reproducible (M) (D) 'Y'
  13. Testing Impact (M)
  14. Module / Page
  15. Environment
  16. Defect Summary (M)
  17. Defect Description (M)
  19. Attachments

Hope this will help a little.



Thursday, December 20, 2007

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

AST's Official Magazine December Edition

Here we GO,

AST (Association for Software Testing) released their December 2007 Issue of Sapient Testing.
Another Good Work from them. Keep it up friends.


Instant Performance Test

Hi All,

Like to do a instant performance test on your site with no cost. Here we go,
try your site with this and get the instant performance details of it.

Thanks to sapienttesting and Scott Barber for his wonder ful work on December edition.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The 10 Commandments of Load Testing

Here r the 10 Commandments of Load Testing.

  1. Thou shalt know how thy test tool works.
  2. Thou shalt gather realistic usage data.
  3. Thou shalt have testable requirements.
  4. Thou shalt write a test plan.
  5. Thou shalt test for the worst case.
  6. Thou shalt monitor your test environment infrastructure.
  7. Thou shalt enforce change control on your environment.
  8. Thou shalt use a defect tracking tool.
  9. Thou shalt rule out thy own errors before raising a defect.
  10. Thou shalt pass on your knowledge.

Visit for full details.

Thanks to Stuart Moncrieff for his wonderful blog and his great service to Our Community.

Don't forget to visit his - security testing blog

and - load testing blog.



Automation Testing Framework for Distributed Systems

The adoption of an automated testing strategy is fundamental in reducing the risk associated with software development projects, it is key to ensuring that you deliver high quality software. Often, the overhead associated with developing automated tests is seen as excessive and a reason to not adopt automated testing.

BizUnit is a framework and as such does not have any dependency on either NUnit of VS Unit Testing, either of these make a great way to drive BizUnit test cases, though equally you could write custom code to do the same.

For further Details Vist :
Thanks to kevinsmi for his great work.


Mother of all checklist for Software testing

Hi All,
Here is the Mother of All Check List for software testing.
Hope this will be very helpful for most of our testing.

Thanks to Shreya for his wonderful work.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Project Testing Folder Structure

Here is a good Testing Folder Structure. (just a sample)

Entry and Exit criteria discussion in a Forum - ofcourse me too..

I am testing an web application. Any one can tell me what will be the entry and exist criteria for it.

Entry Criteria : A set of decision-making guidelines used to determining whether a system under test is ready to move into, or enter, a particular phase of testing. Entry criteria tend to become more rigorous as the test phases progress. [R. Black]
Exit Criteria : A set of decision-making guidelines used to determining whether a system under test is ready to exit a particular phase of testing. When exit criteria are met, either the system under test moves on to the next test phase or the test project is considered complete. Exit criteria tend to become more rigorous as the test phases progress. [R. Black]

Jerryrajan (Me)--
Here comes the biggest problem of Software Testing. In my view specific definitions will not work for these cases. Because most of the people understand the testing terms in their own way and the very important thing is either they r in the right path or not.In my view the Entry Criteria is a collection of conditions / Objects that are very important to start testing; with out that if you start your testing that will be a failure.Exit Criteria is also collection of conditions / Objects that decides whether you can stop the testing or not.

Which part of the definitions that Joe posted do not fulfill what you are saying? As I read them they match up.

Jerryrajan (Me)--
That is my own view Richard, not specifically for Joe.In simple words, "A set of decision-making guidelines" if someone got all guidelines and no resource to follow that.What are the entry criteria?If you r going to prepare a tour plan for your family using your car. What are the entry criteria?You, car, family, then the set of guidelines...correct me if I'm wrong.

The guidelines will be specific per project, so the guidelines for deciding if you are going on your road trip would be: - Has the design documents been completed? (Tour plan written)- Are the resources available? (Car, people, luggage, holiday booked) If you can say yes, then you can decided to go live (go on the trip) So the entry criteria and exit criteria should include everything you need to go to the next stage of development, not some of it.

Jerryrajan (Me)--